Rings with Stones, Casual Rings, Zircon, and more

Not only I love rings – I believe they are one of the key pieces in every look. They complete your outfit and are one of the fashion choices that you can be the most playful with. You can choose to wear a casual ring you give you a relaxed look, or you can go for a ring with stones or zircon to make your look appear as more polished.
In fact, I find that the most stylish women I know are also really crazy about rings and always go to great lengths to find the most iconic and original statement rings.
One big problem woman face with rings sometimes is the size which is a very limiting matter if you wish to buy a ring as a gift for a friend, girlfriend, mother or special woman for any matter. This is the reason why I always try to design adjustable size rings as much as technical aspects of the design allow for it, which is mostly always.
Unlike other fashion choices such as clothes or shoes, so can only do so much as you have to pick something that flatters your body type, skin and etc, but with rings, you can never go wrong. Give a touch of color to your look, spice it up with an over the top statement piece, match the rest of your look with a minimalist ring, or just wear a beautiful ring that has some sentimental value to you.
As a designer, my first-ever design was a ring that I made using a very traditional technique consisting of hand-carving motifs on a wax mold, to then make it into a metal mod to make the actual piece. This was a pivotal moment in my life when it all made sense and I clearly saw my future as a designer, more specifically a jewelry designer. I have a lot of earrings on my collection because earrings can complement your facial features and they are super cool too, but for me, there is something about rings I can’t explain. They are just great! And so many times I’m helping my clients in the stores and you can see their faces when a ring-lover walks in and gets blown away. I’ve seen all kinds of reactions.
Rings with Stones
Perhaps one of the biggest categories within the magical realm of rings is “Rings with Stones”. A stone can complete the look of any ring if you match it correctly. In my collection, I like to have rings of the most classic colors like white, black, red and green, but also some seasonal color like turquoise or aquamarine. I also love golden rings with zircons or gold and black combinations which you can never go wrong with. I also love any options in black stone or crystal.
And what can be better than stone rings? Multi-stone rings! For me, there is only one rule when it comes to rings: more is more! Be playful and have fun wearing beautiful pieces.
Rings with natural stones
I am the biggest fan of natural stones and I have grown up with them. A lot of my design inspiration comes from nature and stones are incredibly rich and beautiful formations of mother nature. Thinking about the changes in the planet that result in quartz or amethyst is just mind-blowing. But there are so many stones and colors and each can have different finishes to give it a unique look.
I like to use semi-precious natural stones and these are some of the ones I use:
- Agate
- Amber
- Amethyst
- Ametrine
- Andalusite
- Opal
- Rose Quartz
- Jade
- Bloodstone
- Azurite
- Aquamarine
- Azurite
- Carnelian
- Coral
- Diamonds
- Fluorite
- Garnet
- Labradorite
- Larimar
- Magnetite
- Fire-Opal
- Onyx
- Pearl
- Peridot
- Quartz
- Ruby
- Sapphire
- Shell stones
- Serpentine
- Sunstone
- Topaz
- Turquoise
- Zircon
Natural stones can be used in many different places but are especially appropriate for stone jewelry and more particularly natural stone rings. A ring is such a fun way to wear a natural stone in your hand to add a little bit of color. You can choose to wear a natural stone ring with a big raw stone, of something more discrete with a small well-cut stone.
Minimalist Rings
Sometimes you just want to look sophisticated wearing a more subtle minimalistic ring, and that’s fine too because the role of a ring is to reflect your mood and your state of mind, and some days you just feel like you want to de-clutter and go back to basics. In this case, I would recommend a golden ring to keep it classy but choose same-color stones. White stones can give a lot of luminosity to your look, or you can go for black which will for sure match any outfit you choose to wear. Other options would be to wear amber, a neutral color, or green and red with your look allows for it.
If you are into minimalistic rings and accessories, I would suggest the Stepping Stone rings and earrings, a matching combo that looks super-sophisticated and is very comfortable to wear. The ring is adjustable in size so you can open and close it as you desire, which makes it a perfect gifting option too. And the earrings are a great fit for modern ladies wearing a contemporary look or women who like to keep their choices more subtle during the weekdays.
Within the minimalistic ring category, you would also find my geometric rings which were made out of straight lines or perfectly round shapes. I have experimented a lot with some geometrical shapes which I love wearing is a casual way.
Ring with black stone
This is my favorite color stone after a zircon. You can never go wrong with black color and the same goes for white. But rings with black stone are very cool because I usually mount them on a golden base and black and gold is the best ever color combination for your ring. You can wear a black stone with practically any look and it will always look beautiful on you. Every time I am rushing to leave for a meeting if I don’t know what to wear I will choose a ring with black stone – it’s my safe choice! And being safe in this case doesn’t mean you will compromise on your look as black and gold is a very classy combination too.
Rings with color stones
Another excellent choice is a ring with color stones to match your look. For example, if you wear a beautiful aquamarine dress, nothing will look better than a ring with an aquamarine stone. Many wedding dresses and clothes for wedding guests are fuchsia or green so you could match or with an emerald or pink fluorite.
Rings with precious stones, semiprecious stones, and natural stones
I think it’s important to make a distinction between precious stones, semiprecious stones, and natural stones. Natural stones are, simply enough, any stones that are not synthetic. This would be any stone that you find in nature regardless of its value and beauty.
Then we have precious stones and semi-precious stones. The point if differentiation between these two types is the rarity with which they are found in nature. For example, quartz may be relatively common whereas an emerald or a diamond is a little scarcer. In my opinion, the value attributed to some stones such as diamonds is just a marketing fabrication. If you think about it, most of us have a diamond or have bought a diamond at some point in our lives so that’s not very exclusive, is it?
And now we come to the REAL value of stones, whether precious, semi-precious or just natural stones: Their beauty and sentimental value. For me, any type of stone can be precious if it has been gifted by the right person. Zircons are beautiful, rose quartz is stunning, jade stones are superb… You name it and if it’s bright it’s precious! I couldn’t make up my mind.
Double rings
Double rings are rings that are worn in more than one finger. The fitting and look of double-rings are not conventional and for that reason, they can become the star of your look very easily.
I love working with double rings and I have a few on my collection, like the Rosalia Double ring. I also have regular rings that have a different fitting like the Spade ring, which looks like a double ring but it’s actually a regular ring.
In the case of the Rosalia Double Ring, we are talking about a very unique construction that is made with 3D-printing and then put into the metal with color stones. This ring with stones is perfect for daring ladies who are going for an edgy look.